Fantastic Finish 19th July 2024

Come and see your childrens learning from 1.00pm – 1.30pm on the last day of term, parents/carers are invited to visit their children in the classroom and see the amazing work they have been doing through the year, they can then be taken home afterwards to enjoy the beginning of their summer holidays.

Kid Zone Club extended hours

From now until the end of the summer term, Kid Zone Club will be trialling the after school club being open until 6.00pm, this is part of the National Wraparound Childcare Progamme.   The trial will be reviewed at the end of July as to whether there is sufficient demand for the club to remain open until. 6.00pm for the new academic year.

Early Years Stay and Play dates

Come and join us  for our upcoming stay and play dates for all children joining our Early Years provision in September 2024. 

Play and Stay dates

Mini Olympics

We would like to invite all children and parents who will be joining our Early Years in September 2024 to take part in our Mini Olympics event.  Please see below for further information.

Mini Olympics 13th June 2024

Brazilian Soccer School

Please see below new dates for the Brazilian Soccer school, open to years 1, 2 and 3, after May Half term

Brazilian Soccer School June – July 24

Easter break

We wish you all a happy Easter and look forward to hearing about all the fun activies the children have have taken part in during the holidays when they return to school on the 16th April 2024.


Fantastic Finish 28th March 2024

Fantasic finish will take place on the 28th March from 1.00pm – 1.30pm.  Please come and see your child/childrens work during this time.





New Communication Portal

Our new communication portal has moved to the Reach More Parents APP.  We will be able to keep you up to date with everything that is happening in and around the school.

We are currently in the process of adding some amazing content; utilising the features that are available on the APP.

Please take a look around:

 Newsfeed – The awesome social media style newsfeed is the place to see all the exciting things happening across the school, targeted so you only see what is relevant to your family.

 Calendar – Don’t miss key events ever again. You can even sync directly to your own device’s calendar!

Messages – This is where you will receive information messages, invitations and even simple authorisations that you can complete at the swipe of a button. Be sure to enable push notifications so you don’t miss anything important.

 The Hub – In this area we will signpost you to other websites you may find useful such as a payments system, to pay for meals and trips, educational websites to help with learning such as Timetable Rockstars and even documentation such as policies that you may wish to read.

 Forms – Within the forms feature you will find various forms, some self-service for change of contact details so no more visits or calls to the school office and others that appear as and when they are required. Should completion of a form be required we will notify you.

Reach more parents APP

Reach More Parents information sheet


End of Term – Fantastic Finish!

We would like to invite all parents/careers to the school for 12pm on the 20th December 2023, so you can view your children’s amazing work!

You are then free to take your child/children home.  We look forward to seeing you.


Open Days

We are delighted to be able to welcome prospective parents, for children due to start in September 2024, into our school for a tour.  Open days will take place on:

Open day 1 – 6th October 9.30am and 1.30pm   Open day 1 – 6th October 2023

Open day 2 – 21st November 9.30am and 1.30pm   Open day 2 – 21st November 2023

Please contact the school on 01525 373019 or email with the time you wish to attend.