Our curriculum is driven to prepare our children for life long learning. At Beaudesert, we offer a aspirational and vibrant curriculum for all learners. We develop essential knowledge skills and understanding to ensure children have the skillset for later life. We encourage the development of new skills and experiences to broaden the children resilience, determination and integrity.
All curriculum areas are designed around the requirements of the national curriculum and provide a challenging and balanced education.
The children have a sense of wonder and curiosity about places and features of the world. The range and depth of the geographical knowledge and understanding of each child will increase. The children will ask questions, and develop geographical skills to find answers to these using a range of sources. The children will develop their geographical vocabulary and communicate their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways.
The children have a passion and curiosity about the past. The range and depth of historical knowledge of each child will increase, they will grow their chronological understanding. The children will ask questions about the past and will find answers to these from a range of sources. They will increasingly evaluate the reliability of historical courses and will communicate their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways.
Physical Education
At Beaudesert we aim to provide high quality physical education curriculum that develops physically literate children and inspires all pupils to succeed, enjoy and take part in sport and physical activity for life. We recognise the importance of physically active and the benefits this has in supporting children’s learning and developing in all areas of the curriculum, as well as enhancing wellbeing. Physical activity is embedded within our curriculum to have a positive effect on behaviour, concentration, self-esteem and the ability to form relationships.
We are committed to developing a positive growth mindset towards physical activity as well as promoting the core values of perseverance, determination, respect and tolerance. Our vision is that children’s experience of physical activity will be positive, motivating and have a lasting impact.
Music teaching at Beaudesert aims to follow the specification of the National Curriculum: providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum and ensuring the progressive development of musical concepts, knowledge and skills. We believe that music plays and integral role in helping children to feel part of a community, therefore, providing opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music both in class and to an audience. Through assemblies and key stage performances, children showcase their talent and understanding of performing with awareness of others. Lessons enable children to develop their skills, appreciate a wide variety of music and begin to appraise a range of musical genres.
Music Knowledge and Skills – Year R
Music Knowledge and Skills – Year 1
Music Knowledge and Skills – Year 2
Music Knowledge and Skills – Year 3
Music Knowledge and Skills – Year 4
Modern Foreign Languages
At Beaudesert our aim is for all pupil’s to be immersed in high quality language lessons that focus on verbal communication and foster’s pupil’s curiosity and understanding of the world.
We aim to build strong foundations for learning a second language with a focus on French, which is taught in Years 3 and 4. This engagement will offer pupils the opportunity to explore and celebrate relationships between language, identity and global culture. As part of this study, the focus will be upon providing opportunities for pupils to communicate for practical purposes through conversation; song; rhyme; and stories or poems. In these lessons, children will learn new ways of thinking about the wider world and their place within it.
At Beaudesert students will leave Year 4 with an understanding of simple spoken French pronounced with growing accuracy and used within conversational context. Our Modern Foreign Languages curriculum focuses on the learning of; colours; numbers; greetings; and classroom instructions, amongst other topics.
At Beaudesert Lower School we use the Herts for Learning Essential to deliver the Maths curriculum from reception to Year 4. We have also been working with the NCETM for the past 5 years to deliver a mastery maths experience.
In the classroom
Pupils are taught through whole-class interactive teaching, enabling all to master the concepts necessary for the next part of the curriculum sequence, in a typical lesson the teacher leads back and forth interaction, including questioning, short tasks, explanation, demonstration, and discussion, enabling pupils to think, reason and apply their knowledge to solve problems.
The use of precise mathematical language enables all pupils to communicate their reasoning and thinking effectively and if a pupil fails to grasp a concept or procedure, this is identified quickly, and gaps in understanding are addressed systematically to prevent them falling behind.
Significant time is spent developing deep understanding of the key ideas that are needed to underpin future learning with Key number facts which are learnt to automaticity, and other key mathematical facts are learned deeply and practised regularly, to avoid cognitive overload in working memory and enable pupils to focus on new learning.
Each Year group have a maths trolley with lots of manipulatives and all classes have a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to learning.
Lesson studies are take place during the year, where staff gather in one classroom and observe a member of staff and then talk through the lesson focusing on the 5 big ideas.
Through discussion and feedback with the children, the majority of children agreed that they enjoyed maths lesson, that they used mathematics outside of school. Children demonstrated a positive attitude towards their maths learning and agreed that maths displays and resources on the maths trollies helped their learning. Children also said that they were proud of their maths learning.
Pupils are able to discuss different methods that they use with their talking partners and others. With continued support from Herts for Learning and regular meetings with the NCETM and other subject leaders we ensure that staff are regularly updated and kept informed about a mastery approach to learning
Behind all NCETM and Maths Hubs’ work in the field of teaching for mastery are the Five Big Ideas in Teaching for Mastery.
Progression Maps:
1. Number: Number and Place Value
2. Number: Addition and Subtraction
3. Number: Multiplication and Division
8. Geometry: Properties of Shapes
9. Geometry: Position and Movement
Maths Overview – Reception to Year 4
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