School Policies

We have a large number of policies currently in use. They are reviewed and updated by the governing body (either directly or by delegation to a sub-committee or to the Headteacher) on a rolling program each year.
The key policies are listed below. If you wish to have a copy of our other policies please contact the school office.
On request, any school documents can be produced in larger font if required.

Acceptable User Policy 2024 -2025


Anti Violence and Aggression Policy 2022

Attendance Policy 2023- 2026

Behaviour Policy 2024

Calculation Policy 2021

Charging and Remissions Policy 2024 – 2026

Complaints Policy

E Safety Policy 2023 -2024

ICT Curriculum Policy 2024-2025

Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy

Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers 2021

Remote Learning Policy 2023-2024

Relationships Education Policy 2023.docx

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-2024

SEND Policy 2023

School Uniform Policy 2022-2024